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The World Institute for Scientific Development of Oriental Medicine has launched the following Certificate Courses in different areas related to drugless therapies and allied subjects :


1. Certificate in Acupressure
2. Certificate in Acupuncture
3. Certificate in Affirmative prayer
4. Certificate in Alexander technique
5. Certificate in Alternative cancer treatments
6. Certificate in Animal-Assisted Therapy
7. Certificate in Anthroposophical medicine
8. Certificate in Apitherapy
9. Certificate in Applied kinesiology
10. Certificate in Aquatherapy
11. Certificate in Aromatherapy
12. Certificate in Art Therapy
13. Certificate in Asahi Health
14. Certificate in Astrology
15. Certificate in Attachment therapy
16. Certificate in Auricular therapy
17. Certificate in Autogenic training
18. Certificate in Autosuggestion
19. Certificate in Bach flower therapy
20. Certificate in Balneotherapy
21. Certificate in Bates method
22. Certificate in Bibliotherapy
23. Certificate in Biodanza
24. Certificate in Bioresonance therapy
25. Certificate in Blood irradiation therapies
26. Certificate in Body-based manipulative therapies
27. Certificate in Body work (alternative medicine) or Massage therapy
28. Certificate in Chelation therapy
29. Certificate in Chinese food therapy
30. Certificate in Chinese herbology
31. Certificate in Chinese martial arts
32. Certificate in Chinese medicine
33. Certificate in Chinese pulse diagnosis
34. Certificate in Chiropractic
35. Certificate in Chromotherapy (color therapy, colorpuncture)
36. Certificate in Cinema therapy
37. Certificate in Coding (therapy)
38. Certificate in Coin rubbing
39. Certificate in Colloidal silver therapy
40. Certificate in Colon cleansing
41. Certificate in Colon hydrotherapy (Enema)
42. Certificate in Craniosacral therapy
43. Certificate in Creative visualization
44. Certificate in Crystal healing
45. Certificate in Cupping
46. Certificate in Dance therapy
47. Certificate in Detoxification
48. Certificate in Dietary supplements
49. Certificate in Dowsing
50. Certificate in Diamond Bio Field Energy
51. Certificate in Ear candling
52. Certificate in Earthing
53. Certificate in Eclectic medicine
54. Certificate in Electromagnetic therapy
55. Certificate in Electrohomeopathy
56. Certificate in Equine-assisted therapy
57. Certificate in Energy therapies
58. Certificate in Energy medicine
59. Certificate in Energy psychology
60. Certificate in Faith healing
61. Certificate in Fasting
62. Certificate in Feldenkrais method
63. Certificate in Feng shui
64. Certificate in Five elements
65. Certificate in Flower essence therapy
66. Certificate in Functional medicine
67. Certificate in German New Medicine
68. Certificate in Grahamism
69. Certificate in Gua sha
70. Certificate in Graphology
71. Certificate in Hair analysis (alternative medicine)
72. Certificate in Hatha yoga
73. Certificate in Havening
74. Certificate in Hawaiian massage
75. Certificate in Herbalism
76. Certificate in Herbal therapy
77. Certificate in Herbology
78. Certificate in Hijama
79. Certificate in Holistic living
80. Certificate in Holistic medicine
81. Certificate in Homeopathy
82. Certificate in Home remedies
83. Certificate in Horticultural therapy
84. Certificate in Hydrotherapy
85. Certificate in Hypnosis
86. Certificate in Hypnotherapy
87. Certificate in Introspection rundown
88. Certificate in Iridology
89. Certificate in Isolation tank
90. Certificate in Isopathy
91. Certificate in Journaling
92. Certificate in Kampo
93. Certificate in Kinesiology
94. Certificate in Laughter therapy
95. Certificate in Light therapy
96. Certificate in Macrobiotic lifestyle
97. Certificate in Magnetic healing
98. Certificate in Manipulative therapy
99. Certificate in Manual lymphatic drainage
100. Certificate in Martial arts
101. Certificate in Massage therapy
102. Certificate in Massage
103. Certificate in Medical acupuncture
104. Certificate in Medical intuition
105. Certificate in Meditation
106. Certificate in Mindfulness meditation
107. Certificate in Meridian (Chinese medicine)
108. Certificate in Mega-vitamin therapy
109. Certificate in Mind–body intervention
110. Certificate in Moxibustion
111. Certificate in Myofascial release
112. Certificate in Naprapathy
113. Certificate in Natural Health
114. Certificate in Natural therapies
115. Certificate in Naturopathic medicine
116. Certificate in New thought
117. Certificate in Neuro-linguistic programming
118. Certificate in Nutritional healing
119. Certificate in Nutritional supplements
120. Certificate in Numerology
121. Certificate in Pilates
122. Certificate in Pranic healing
123. Certificate in Prayer
124. Certificate in Psychic surgery
125. Certificate in Prokarin
126. Certificate in Qi
127. Certificate in Qigong
128. Certificate in Radionics
129. Certificate in Rebirthing
130. Certificate in Recreational Therapy
131. Certificate in Reflexology
132. Certificate in Reiki
133. Certificate in Rolfing Structural Integration
134. Certificate in Salt Therapy
135. Certificate in Self-hypnosis
136. Certificate in Shiatsu
137. Certificate in Siddha medicine
138. Certificate in Sonopuncture
139. Certificate in Sound therapy
140. Certificate in Spiritual mind treatment
141. Certificate in Structural Integration
142. Certificate in Support groups
143. Certificate in T'ai chi ch'uan
144. Certificate in Tantra massage
145. Certificate in Tao yin
146. Certificate in Thai massage
147. Certificate in Thalassotherapy
148. Certificate in Therapeutic horseback riding
149. Certificate in Therapeutic touch
150. Certificate in Tibetan eye chart
151. Certificate in Traditional Chinese medicine
152. Certificate in Traditional Korean medicine
153. Certificate in Traditional Japanese medicine
154. Certificate in Traditional Mongolian medicine
155. Certificate in Traditional Tibetan medicine
156. Certificate in Trager approach
157. Certificate in Transcendental meditation
158. Certificate in Trigger point
159. Certificate in Tui na
160. Certificate in Unani medicine
161. Certificate in Urine therapy
162. Certificate in Uropathy
163. Certificate in Vaginal steaming
164. Certificate in Visualization (cam)
165. Certificate in Visualization
166. Certificate in Water cure (therapy)
167. Certificate in Wellness (alternative medicine)
168. Certificate in Yoga
169. Certificate in Zang fu theory

Duration : Three Months

Eligibility : No Minimum Educational Qualification has been led down. All those interested in acquiring expert knowledge of oriental medicine and allied fields are eligible to apply.

Fee : Rs. 3500 or US$ 85 only to be paid on account of admission, registration and evaluation fee.

This amount is to be transferred to our Bank Account having the following details :

Name of the Account : World Institute for Scientific Development of Oriental Medicine
Bank Name : Indian Bank, Saket Branch, New Delhi, India
Account Number : 6753289570
IFS Code : IDIB000S097

Step by step method of learning at the World Institute for Scientific Development of Oriental Medicine :

1. Get the Admission Form downloaded and complete the same

2. Email the filled-up Admission Form

3. Pay the Admission Fee by Cheque / Draft / Electronic Transfer

4. Receive the Roll Number and Study Materials

5. Go through the e-book carefully

6. Complete the assignments and send the same to the Institute by Email / Post

7. Submit the Project Report based on your experience and knowledge acquired regarding any topic relevant to the admitted student.

8. Wait for the announcement of results.

9. Receive the Certificate (Online)

In case of any clarification, contact the Facilitation Officer, World Institute for Scientific Development of Oriental Medicine (WISDOM) A 14-15-16, Paryavaran Complex, New Delhi – 110030, India by post or by Email : [email protected]

For any clarification, contact may be made through telephone by calling on 011-29533801, 011-29533830, 011-29535053.

24-Hours Helpline : 9999833886

All those interested in getting admitted to one of the Certificate level courses are here by advised to fill-up the Admission Form given below and send the same on the above mentioned address by email or by post along with payment of Rs. 3500 by cheque / draft / RTGS etc.

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